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Downsizing Seminar

Contact us for coaching and downsizing seminars.

For many people who are moving from a long-time home to a smaller living space, deciding how to start the job seems like an impossible task. Care to Move offers downsizing seminars for retirement and aged care transitions

We regularly coach clients and partner with other community services looking to provide this life-changing information.

What will I learn at the Dealing with Downsizing Seminar?

This informative and interactive downsizing seminar offers attendees simple tips on how downsize, in preparation for a move or simply stay at home, a more uncluttered and safer home.

Downsizing to simplify your life, and getting rid of “stuff” is one of the most difficult parts of moving onto your next chapter.  It can be hard when things have meaning and memories associated with them.

When you’re up against your memories, remember: You’re downsizing to simplify your life, not erasing your past.

Senior management and downsizing experts Care to Move will encourage you and your clients to think about “What to Keep and What to Let Go”.

To book in some downsizing coaching or partner with us for a seminar, please call (07) 3180 1689.
