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Mental Health

What to Do with Unwanted Furniture: Sell, Auction, or Donate?

Unwanted Furniture
Outdated or unused furniture, with time, becomes a significant burden in your home, occupying valuable space. As personal tastes evolve and lifestyle changes, items that once brought joy become surplus  in maintaining a organised and functional living environment. For some, the idea of "selling furniture I don't want" may be especially appealing to re-coup some of its financial value. On the other hand, others might lean towards donating it, appreciating the feel-good factor of giving back t...
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Elderly male suicide rate through the roof: early intervention program New Access here to help

mental health early intervention cure
Did you know that elderly men over the age of 85 have the highest rate of suicide?   The rate is around seven times higher than in women of all ages. Research indicates the contributing issues include severe depression, loneliness, social isolation and lack of social support; physical health issues, such as pain and cancer; and loss of independence as being important in various ways. In a recent ABC News article Monash University Professor Paul Komesaroff was quoted as saying a lack of...
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